We are a passionate community of fashion professionals with the goal
to show you the best alternatives to the usual mainstream fashion.
A long term wardrobe is what we believe in!
Our sharpened eyes for best quality and coolest design will help you to
find pieces you'll value for ages!
Come discover the fashion capitals with us!
Freelance divattervező, stylist vagyok már több mint 15 éve. A szakmaban töltött évek alatt magazinoknak ügynökségeknek, ismert embereknek stylistként dolgozva csiszolódott látásmódom esztétikáról és divatról (portfolio). Emellett szenvedélyesen foglalkoztat saját avant garde ruhamárkám a FUFAVI.
Várom hogy megmutassam neked Milano leginspirálóbb divat-világát.
I'm a freelance fashion designer and fashion stylist. Throughout the past 15 years in this industry, I have been working as a stylist for magazines, agencies, celebrities and e-commerce (portfolio). Beside that I'm enthusiastic about designing my avant-garde label FUFAVI.
I can't wait to show you the most inspiring fashion I love.

Ho lavorato come stilista personale a Berlino. Sono sempre stato affascinato dall'abbigliamento vintage. Credo che dietro un vestito o una camicia ci sia sempre una storia da raccontare. Le persone che indossano abiti vintage possono differenziarsi dagli altri essendo molto creative negli abbinamenti. In questo modo, puoi capire di più sui tuoi valori e sviluppare un diverso punto di vista sul mondo.
I have been working as a personal stylist in Berlin. I have always been fascinated by vintage clothing. I believe that behind a dress or a shirt there is always a story to tell. People who wear vintage clothes can differentiate themselves from the others by being highly creative in the combinations.
By doing so, you can understand more about your own values and develope a different point of view on the world.

こんにちは、坂本和美です。フリーランスのファッションデザイナーであり、マルチメディアアーティストでもあり、独自のブランド、kazumi sakamoto を持っています。持続可能性とバイナリーを超えた自己表現に情熱を抱いています。ニューヨークで7年間のファッション業界での勉強と仕事の経験を経て、私はここベルリンが私の居場所だと感じました。才能あるスタイリストと一緒に仕事をし、PUSSPUSS、PAP、GATAなどの様々な雑誌に私の服が取り上げられました。一緒にベルリンで都市のファッション文化を探求し、隠れた宝石を発見する旅に行けることを願っています。
Hi, I am Kazumi. I am a freelance fashion designer and multi-media artist with my own label, Kazumi Sakamoto. I'm passionate about sustainability and self-expression beyond binary norms. After spending 7 years studying and working in the fashion industry in New York, I found my home here in Berlin. I have worked with talented stylists and had my clothing featured in various magazines such as PUSSPUSS, PAP, and GATA, etc. I hope I can take you on a journey to explore the city's fashion culture and uncover hidden gems together here in Berlin.
中文 / 日本語/ ENGLISCH
Personal Shopper & Styliste basée à Berlin, je crois vraiment au pouvoir du vêtement ! Si vous vous sentez bien et avez confiance en vous, automatiquement vous dégagez une autre "énergie", vous êtes plus heureux et rencontrez de nombreux succès ! Avec plus de 14 années d'expérience dans l'univers de la mode, j'aime offrir à mes clients internationaux une expérience unique en leur offrant un service sur-mesure et en les accompagnant dans les meilleures boutiques que Berlin à offrir.
French Personal Stylist based in Berlin, I truly believe in the power of clothes! If you feel good and confident, you automatically have another "energy", you're happier and you're more successful! Over the past 14 years in the fashion industry, I've worked with international clients, offering them a truly personalized service and introducing them to the best boutiques Berlin has to offer.
Hola, soy Eleanor, estilista de moda freelance y cantante/músico. Soy francesa y británica, pero como crecí en el sur de Francia, he tenido el español en mi vida desde que era joven. Para mí, la moda es sinónimo de identidad, expresividad y experimentación, pero ¿no sería estupendo poder explorar todo esto sin afectar negativamente al planeta y sus ecosistemas? Estoy deseando compartir los tesoros sostenibles de Berlín con todos vosotros y conoceros pronto.
I‘m Eleanor, a freelance fashion stylist and singer/musician. I’m French & British, but having grown up in Southern France, have had Spanish in my life since I was young. Fashion for me is synonymous with identity, self expression and experimentation, but wouldn’t it be great, if we could explore this without badly affecting the planet and its ecosystems? I look forward to sharing Berlin’s sustainable treasures with you all and to meeting you all soon.